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All Purpose Piñon Salve

Pocket Size - All-Purpose Piñon Salve .75 oz


Pocket Size - All-Purpose Piñon Salve .75 oz


The Pocket Size Jar is perfect for . . . your pocket! Or purse, or backpack, or gym bag, wherever you need our salve handy while you’re on the go. This is also a perfect size for gifting. Check our sets to purchase 5 for a 10% discount.

All Purpose Piñon Salve is the original ‘Mom’s Stuff Salve’ we have been making for 25+ years. This concentrated salve is hand crafted from all natural ingredients and is designed to soothe, nourish, and protect your skin. It’s naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal and is used by our customers for everything from dry hands, heel cracks, cuts, rashes, and more! It’s safe to use from babies on up and even on animals.

All Purpose Piñon salve is super concentrated and does not have any filler ingredients. A little goes a long way! To use, dig out a small amount (about enough to cover half your thumbnail) and gentle massage into hands, feet, or any other area you are seeking relief.

Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Comfrey Leaf Extract, Piñon Pine Pitch, Beeswax, Sweet Almond Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Lanolin, Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Leaf Oil, Neem Oil

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