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Refill Program

Refill Program

Here at Mom’s Stuff, we are committed to reducing our impact on the earth. We are so excited to offer refill services for our customers, both in-person and online. Please read the following instructions to understand how to participate in our refill program. When you refill you save 25% off of the retail cost of a jar!

In-Store Refill

We offer an in-store refill options at Harmony in Provo, Utah. Here is how it works:

  • At any time you can bring you washed empties to the store. You MUST have your name and phone number written on the bottoms of each jar and on the box or bag you bring them in.

  • Once a month we will come collect the empties that have been dropped off, and deliver the previous months refilled jars. You will receive a text or call letting you know your jars/bottles are ready to be picked up.

  • When we text you that your refill is ready to pick up we will give you your total and an option to pay via Venmo or PayPal.


Mail-in Refills

For those customers who don’t live nearby, we’re excited to accept your empty jars or bottles of any of our products (except sample sizes) to be refilled by mail.

To refill your jars, please follow these steps:

  • Wash out your empty jars (all of our containers are dishwasher safe, or hot soapy water does the trick).

  • Purchase your refills online (use the product links on this page).

  • When you get a confirmation email for your refill order, write the order number and your name in permanent marker on the bottom of the jar (directly on the glass or use masking tape if you prefer). This is ESSENTIAL for us to keep track of which jar needs to be sent back to whom.

  • When we see your refill order come in we will generate a prepaid shipping label and email that to you, this can take up to two days, so keep an eye out for this email so you don’t pay shipping your empty jars to us. The shipping you pay as a part of your order is used when we ship the refilled jars back to you. Please note the email with your return label is autogenerated through our shipping platform, and we have found that the emails often get filtered into people’s spam folders. The email will come from the email address and the email will look similar to this:

  • Pack your clean, labeled empty jars in a box (keep original packing boxes to make this step easy and ecological!)

  • Print the prepaid shipping label and securely attach to your sealed box

  • Please carefully pack glass jars, a padded envelope is not sufficient and the lid and or jar will likely break. We will charge a $1 replacement fee for new lids and if $3 if the jar breaks on it’s way back to us.

Once we receive your empty jars, we will refill them and then ship them back to you. You will receive an email confirmation once they have shipped.

Because the turnaround time on refills is not immediate, we suggest you have two sets of the products you use regularly. This way you have a set you are using while the other is sent back to be refilled.

PLEASE NOTE: Refills are only available for jars that you originally purchased from us. We will honor any jar that was originally from us, including discontinued sizes; however, the cost for refills on discontinued jars will be calculated based on our current prices. We will not fill outside containers with our products.

Refill prices are 25% off* of the price of a new jar

*Coupon codes and sales DO NOT apply to refills.

Piñon Body Oil Refill
Sale Price: $27.75 Original Price: $37.00