“Chafing. Yeah. Chafing. Who wants to go there, but I’ll just jump right in. When I hike my body sweats. And then my skin rubs against other skin or clothing. And then I get painful and annoying rashes in any of the said location.
Inner Thighs (these guys don’t just kiss they make out. No thigh gap for this girl no matter how fit I am!)
Between the Butt Cheeks (ALWAYS)
Arm Pits (ouch)
Shoulders (or wherever my backpack straps rub)
Underwear Line (Ouch ouch ouch)
Lady Parts (Also man parts or so I’m told)
Nipples (Sob)
Chafing is kind of the worst. But when I crawl into my tent at night, I place Mom’s Stuff Salve on ANY of the aforementioned locations and I literally wake up a new woman. I have stumbled into my tent with butt chaff to bring tears to my eyes assuming I was irredeemable. Wrong. Mom’s Stuff to the rescue. It is soothing/not painful upon application and the chafing is literally a non-issue the next morning.
I have also successfully used Mom’s Stuff Salve as a preventative measure.”
“Open water swimming was a nasty habit for me to take up as someone with sensitive skin. The water desiccates my skin, any number of plants or other creatures in the water that I brush up against will cause me to break out in hives or rashes and the longer my distances (as with any sport) the more chafing will occur where my swim suit seams meet my skin. I’ve experimented with A LOT of balms, salves and lotions on the market and most either aren’t water resistant enough or they cause more side effects than they are worth. Mom’s Stuff has turned into my #1 go to for my pre and post skin care routine for all my swimming (chlorine, spring water, fresh water and sea water). Before I plunge, I can rub it into all the areas I know will need a buffer during my swim. When I get out of the water, all dried up and splotchy with allergic reactions, I can clean off and get to work rubbing in more Mom’s Stuff into any problem areas. It’s funny too because now whenever I open up my jar of salve, I have come to associate it’s warm and clean smell with the serene joy that I find in swimming.”
“Thank you Lee, for making Mom’s Stuff Salve. I’m training for a marathon & I’ve been using it to prevent chafing (chafing is just athlete’s foot, or fungal infection that has moved north up to your crotch). Not only does it work fabulously, but it also has healed my sore spots from prior to using. Thanks a million!”
“I have a spot that itches like crazy. I purchased Mom’s Stuff Salve and started using it immediately. It took the itch away almost instantly and the chafed area has healed nicely and stays that way as long as I use the salve. It is great! I love the smell. Thank you for a wonderful product that has blessed my health.”
“Bae came over last night asking if I had some baby powder for a chafed spot he had from ‘powering through’ his workout on the treadmill when his undies were in a literal bunch. I said I didn’t have powder, but I have Mom’s Stuff! Turned out he had the top layer of skin totally pulled back and the area was red and inflamed. I applied the salve this morning and when we went to put more on it was TOTALLY HEALED! Seriously, like not even pink anymore. Thanks Mom’s Stuff!”