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Refill Program

Our refill program is designed to reduce single use plastic and unnecessary waste in our world.

Piñon Body Oil Refill


Piñon Body Oil Refill

Sale Price:$27.75 Original Price:$37.00

We only offer refills on full size bottles of Piñon Body Oil; we do not offer refills on sample sizes.

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This luscious oil is part moisturizer and part herbal self-care ritual. For this body oil, we took our premium extra virgin olive oil and infused it with comfrey leaves and fresh piñon pine needles to create a beautiful, aromatic way to nourish and hydrate your skin and soothe your nervous system.

Ingredients: Extra virgin olive oil infused with wild-harvested piñon pine needles and comfrey leaves.

To use: Apply oil immediately after a shower or bath when skin is still slightly damp and pores are open, which helps the oil soak in quickly and effectively. Rub a pearl of oil between your palms to warm it, then gently massage oil over your entire body, including neck and jawline, but avoiding face and hair. Savor this process! Take your time for this luxurious, essential self-care. 2-4 dropperfuls of oil are usually enough for your entire body. Afterward you can towel off any excess sheen, or simply relax a minute or two until all oil has been fully absorbed into your skin. As with any new product, please make sure you test a little on the inside of your elbow or wrist to ensure you do not experience an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients before a general application of this body oil. We use pure ingredients, but everyone’s skin is different and you might have sensitivities to entirely natural, plant-based products.