Protective Day Face Balm Refill — Mom's Stuff

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Our refill program is designed to reduce single use plastic and unnecessary waste in our world.

Protective Day Face Balm Refill


Protective Day Face Balm Refill

from $13.50

Please select the correct Protective Day Face Balm jar you are sending back for refill.

Travel Jar .75 oz

Full Size Glass Jar 1.5 oz

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This unique blend of natural oils and butters is formulated to moisturize and protect your skin from sun, pollution and dry air all day long. Each of the ingredients was selected for its natural ability to protect against harmful UV rays. Protective Day Face Balm is specifically formulated for the delicate skin of your face, neck and chest, but can be used anywhere your skin needs extra nourishment. 

HOW TO USE IT: Using your thumbnail, dig out a small amount of balm and rub between your fingertips to soften. Apply to clean face and neck and rub in with gentle circular motions. Your skin will remain oily for a few moments as the balm penetrates (if it stays oily for longer than a minute you may have used too much). This product is for external use only.

INGREDIENTS: To read a full description of each ingredient and their unique properties click here.  Hazelnut Seed Oil, Cupuaçu Butter, *Extra Virgin Olive Fruit Oil & Comfrey Leaf Extract, Beeswax, Castor Seed Oil, Red Raspberry Seed Oil, Neroli Oil, Rosemary Oil  *Certified Organic